Hi, I'm Sadik Abdullah. Machine Learning engineer

I'm a self-taught devloper with experience in cross platform app devlopment and machine learning.

About memy stats

Quick info

Sadik is a versatile, self-taught Machine Learning Engineer with a focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP), model training, and deployment.

Besides providing expert services on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, he extends his talent to cross-platform app development using Flutter. His comprehensive expertise enables him to deliver holistic, AI-driven, and high-performance mobile solutions, empowering businesses to harness the power of cutting-edge technology seamlessly




Years of


Lines of



My Skills

Android SDK







My PortfolioMy Work

Here is some of the projects I'm working on


Probot is a cross platform AI personal assistant for several tasks. probot can perform tasks like 1. Taking notes,reminders 2. playing something from the web 3. controlling other devices that has probot installed 4. Getting News,Whether etc 5. Perform maths 6. making a list 7. Performing user defined tasks. like automating gui 8. Many more...

Anydemo AI

I developed full Machine Learning Backend of AnyDemo AI.
AnyDemoAI is a platform where anyone can upload a song and convert it to other celebrity voices.

Image restorer

This was a project where I build a comeplete framework for old image restoration and quality improvement. This consist of 3 parts.
1. GFPGAN for facial restoration
2. RealESRGAN plus for image deblurring, defocusing, image upscaling
3. image segmentation to remove scratch

Medical domain chatbot

I made it many days ago for one of my clients when there was no models like gpt3. It was made using BERT, GPT2, Dialogpt, Knowledge base graph database. I trained those model on a medical domain dataset. It had ability to detect diseases based on symptoms. It also provided details of some diseases from it's knowledge base


Scholarly AI is one of my startup projects. It's a cross platform software. it is a combination of Language models to make peoples life easier when reading through documents like physical books, pdf, csv, xlsx. user can use it to extract, translate, summarize, paraphrase informations from documents by talking to the chatbot built in scholarly ai
Another feature of it is Multi voice tts. user can listen to books and pdf documents with it in voices of celebrities or in any voice they want

Bangla Automatic Speech recognition

Bangla Automatic Speech recognition made with transformer architectures. This is my practice project

Contact MeContact

Contact me here

Backend of this site is not developed yet. So contact form may not work. Instead send me mails if you really wanna contact me


: Jessore, Khulna, Bangladesh


: sadik.programer@gmail.com

Languages : English, Turkish, Arabic, hindi, Bengali